Our employers and clients need us to build systems that are economical to amend and improve.

A valid argument if you consider that no matter what, you work for someone else: a client, an employer, a group of people using your product/service, the developer who might come after you to maintain your code.

This argument made by Tim Ottinger and is written after he describes seven code virtues I’d like to include here, you can see the complete article “How Virtues is Your Code” courtesy of “The Pragmatic Bookshelf” here and I would like to know you want to discuss it.

  • Working, as opposed to incomplete
  • Unique, as opposed to duplicated
  • Simple, as opposed to complicated
  • Clear, as opposed to puzzling
  • Easy, as opposed to difficult
  • Developed, as opposed to primitive
  • Brief, as opposed to to chatty