In the previous post I reviewed the history, and some basic elements about ruby like Symbols , visibility scope, comments. Today I’d like to start with variables declaration, following is the convention

  • $global_variable
  • @@class_variable
  • @instance_variable
  • local_variable

This convention must be followed when you create

  • methodForSomething
  • ClassName

Let’s move on to Control Structures


if x < 10  
  # do something  
elsif x > 10  
  # do something  
  # do something  

Please note that it’s not elseif, nor else if, it’s **elsif **

There’s also another option which evaluates to false, the opposite of if: unless

unless x < 10  
  # do something  
  # do something  
#there's no elseunless, or something like that

But the beauty of Ruby doesn’t stop there, you can create inline sentence in the most delightful way (This is supposedly taken from PERL)

young = "i'm 10 years old" if x == 10  
old = 'i'm very old' unless x < 70

As you can see, ruby is an straightforward language to read; a command line can be read as a sentence. Basically, to me, it’s an elegant and human-like way to talk with the program


The basic loop can be constructed with while or until

while x <= 10 do  
  puts "I'm "+x+" years old"  
# the inverse  
until x > 10 do  
  puts "I'm still a kid"  

You can also use them as modifiers, just like if or unless described previously

The following syntax applies to basic instructions, if you want to code something more elaborated you must use the previous syntax

puts x = x+1 while x <= 10  
# the inverse  
puts x = x+1 until x > 10  

To iterate through an array we can use the for loop

for value in collection  
  puts "this is the current #{value}"  
# how to get key/value from an array  
for key, value in array  
  puts "the value of #{key} is #{value}"  

In the following post I’ll show you the advanced iterators. I hope these posts are helpful :)